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Why You Insurance Claim Rejected

Why You Insurance Claim Rejected? is the big question for costumer life insurance. if you buy life insurance with the high price and can not claim that insurance must big a big loss for u family.
Someone's review of insurance companies that only mengobral the promise turns out not to erode the demand of life insurance, even in 2014 is estimated to have life insurance growth of 25%-30%. Not all insurance companies are just mengobral promise, there are many trusted insurance companies actually will make it easier to process insurance claims. Life insurance is a form of protection if the insured suffered a sudden death.

Could actually be the cause of life insurance claims are not paid are derived from the client or the insurance company itself. It is good if you know some of the causes of failed insurance claim paid.

More information on causes of unpaid Life Insurance Claims

1. The causes of the customer

You should know that not all causes of life insurance claims do not pay, caused by the insurance company. There are several common mistakes committed customer time claim life insurance, including:

The customer is usually dishonesty occurs when the potential customer fill out the statement of insurance with a range of SP question that influence on the decision ofthe insurer to provide protection will have or not.
There are some exceptions that are written in the policy with regard to the cause ofdeath of the insured, in General, the exception occurs if the death was caused by suicide, AIDS disease, the insured who are committing crimes, death due to the things that are unexpected and inevitable (ex.: riots, war, natural disasters, etc.) , and death due to critical illness at the time of the insured the insurance program in the first year.
Each insurance company has a time limit to submitting insurance claims are diverse, but generally limit the submission of applications is three months. However, in reality many claim life insurance is larger than the specified term. It is recommended that you first read to figure out which life insurance term life insurance claims submission time frame offered by an insurance company.
Documents relating to the claims of the life insurance filing requirement that makesthe process of incomplete submission of insurance claims a trembling voice.
Insurance claims can also fail if the payment of insurance premiums not paid the insurance premium the insured person within the period laid down by the insurance company. Insurance premiums charged on time so you avoid the risk of not fixing the insurance policy that.

2. The causes of the insurance company

In General, there are two main causes of why you Insurance claim rejected of the damages causedby the insurance companies themselves, including the IE agents insurance company that does not transfer properly and honestly related insurance products and insurance companies possess the naughty kliam life insurance do not pay in accordance with the insurance policy. But not all insurance companies are like that, so it's good you selective in buying a life insurance policy in order to avoid the risk on unpaid life insurance claims.

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